Saturday, October 18, 2008

Asylum 49

More great pictures from the Asylum 49

Clowns with chainsaws enjoy chasing you around. The other clowns will send you through doors that go around and then back to them until you find the right door.
Sweeny Todd mesmerizes you and then sends you through the meat locker with dead bodies hanging in bags just to come out into Mrs. Lovett's bakery of "shepards pie"
Passing by the bloody gurney bed is scary, but the nursery with scary babies is quite the sight. After getting over the sad nursery, you end up in Dr. Woods operating room.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

8th Grade School Picture

Taylor Brooke baby girl who has grown up to be my friend! I love you bug.... more than you will every know. You make my world more special just by being in it! Be the CHANGE you want to see in this WORLD! Love mom